VIVATTIVA effettua ricerca nelle seguenti aree:
– progettazione ecosostenibile,
– ingegnerizzazione di prototipi residenziali,
– biomimesi applicata all’architettura,
– IBFP (Integrated Building Food Production),
– risparmio energetico e produzione di energia
Se sei un potenziale investitore o vuoi essere nostro partner di ricerca, contattaci per collaborare insieme!
VIVATTIVA organises courses for students of every level (childrens’ school, elementary school, secondary school, University, Third Age Unversity), firms, privates and organisations focused on sustainability, saving of energy, even on themes of particular interest. There is a program of courses, available on demand. Every student receives some publications on which he can study. To know more about the Project “The train of sustainability” write to